Trend Watch

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch -

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Anything you own or belong to is better –simply because you own it or belong to it,although you will be quick to find more justifications.your religion ,whatever it may be ,is far superior to any other .your politician party is the only honest one.your neighbourhood puts all others in the city in the shade.Members of your own sex are more intelligent ,more worthy,more emotionally secure ,and in every war far better than people of opposite sex .your car is faster more fun to drive,and gets better fuel mileage than others no matter in what price range,and of course your country and its customs leave nothing to be desired,and inhabitants of other nation are in comparision barely civilized.In short you are exaggerately ,aggressively ,absurd, and exclusively devoted to your own affiliations-and make no bories about advertising such prejudice.

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USBTurntable WhiteWalls
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