Trend Watch

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch -

Monday, May 26, 2008


Shreeja Bisht (SB): For someone who carries the tri-colour on his helmet, which moment of your career would you rate higher - the first F1 race, or the recent British and Chinese A1 Grand Prix events, where you snatched the victory for Indiaarain Karthikeyan (NK): I think both are very special. The victory in A1 GP at Great Britain is special because you are driving for your country. A podium finish thus means a lot. Formula One is something I am always dreaming about since I made my debut in 2005 in Australia. lingering feeling that you should've been a constant feature in Formula One?NK: Well, I am happy with whatever I have achieved and there's still some time left in me to do greater things and win more races and try to get back into F1. So, I have no regret and I am enjoying A1 at the moment. And with Ferrari coming on board, I think it's going to be a great new championshi

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