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Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Hello friends recently i came to know about the social park site through my friends.There are many site which helps the blogger.socials park one of the best site which connects the blogger and advertisers both the blogger and the advertiser in a much equal maner. blogger has to write post on the advertiser topic and he will be paid for his post. it is a gift for blogger to earn money from the online by simply sitting in home. advertiser has important role to play about the product and the amount they are giving for the blogger for their review.There will be a seperate team which look into all the blog and sends the information for the advertiser.He can offer the blog based on the stats given by .They update the stats of the blogger and they will submit it to the advertiser.The site is special site for those who are working very hard and also write their own review.The amount is decided by the advertiser and it is based on the product value.It give more opportunities for both the blogger and the advertiser.The site is also the best site for all the bloggers and the advertiser.This helps the advertiser to earn more it is the best site for the advertiser.Sponsored by SocialSpark

Monday, May 26, 2008


Shreeja Bisht (SB): For someone who carries the tri-colour on his helmet, which moment of your career would you rate higher - the first F1 race, or the recent British and Chinese A1 Grand Prix events, where you snatched the victory for Indiaarain Karthikeyan (NK): I think both are very special. The victory in A1 GP at Great Britain is special because you are driving for your country. A podium finish thus means a lot. Formula One is something I am always dreaming about since I made my debut in 2005 in Australia. lingering feeling that you should've been a constant feature in Formula One?NK: Well, I am happy with whatever I have achieved and there's still some time left in me to do greater things and win more races and try to get back into F1. So, I have no regret and I am enjoying A1 at the moment. And with Ferrari coming on board, I think it's going to be a great new championshi
USBTurntable WhiteWalls
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