Trend Watch

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch -

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Its been known for a while that our relations with others can affect longevity.married men for instance live longer than a bachelor person with that age .But a count suggests that it’s not only the marriage that counts the network of friends that one might have.The friends team plays a major role in any of the persons life. A persons behaviour can be known through his friends.

Both his positive and negative are depend on his friends like smoking,drinking….and aso boosting mood and self exteem …..when a person stressed a lot he get relief from his companion than by any other means.Also his strength and weakness are the pals.One can achieve a peak through his friends also the other way can happen.when we see a friend after along time that moment is precious and it will bring that happiness that one cant say in words.Be happy forever with your companions.

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